Terms & Conditions
By either submitting a consent form, allowing your child to attend class, or attending a class yourself, you hereby agree to the terms and conditions below and accept that you will follow the RHSD code of conduct and any other supporting policies in place.
Section 1 Registration and Fee payment
Section 2 During Class Time
Section 3 Attendance
Section 4 Examination and Performances
Section 1 – Registration & Fee Payment
All parents must complete a registration form online before their child's first class, with clear information on their emergency contacts and any relevant medical history or learning disabilities.
Pilates clients must complete our PAR-Q form before attending a class. This will be sent in our welcome email
It is the parent/guardian's/participant's responsibility to let the teacher know before class if there any changes to medical history, contact details, special health considerations or existing injuries and where relevant complete a new online form to ensure these are kept up-to-date.
Students are automatically booked into the classes for the next term, An email will be sent with the link to pay and due date. This can be paid in full, half or thirds.
If payment is not paid by the date given, there will be a £5 administration charge. Should there be any difficulty in payment of fees, do not hesitate to contact us so that arrangements can be made.
Where fees remain unpaid, RHSD reserve the right to suspend a student from classes, or in severe cases, to pass your details on to our debt collection agency. Students receiving discount may lose this in cases of continual late payment.
No refunds will be given for missed classes. However in adult classes they can come to a different class in the block to 'make-up'.
Make-up sessions must be used within the same term unless discussed with a member of staff. They are not allowed to be used within the same class or to gain discount off the next block, and should only be used to join a different class.
Should RHSD have to cancel or adjust a class, every effort will be made to arrange an alternative, or a refund will be given.
For children's classes, a new student may take a 3 week trial class during our intake periods. Should the student then decide to join the class, they must pay the remaining balance for the term.
For adult classes participants can join a 1 week trial.
Pilates clients must take either a private introduction session or join a beginner introduction session before booking classes.
Section 2 – During class time:
Parents of children who are unable to go to the toilet by themselves, must stay in the building at all times to take their child to the toilet when needed.
Some classes run back to back on the timetable without a break. Students should be dressed ready to start their class before entering the studio and leave promptly at the end.
Uniform is compulsory in all classes. Long hair should be tied up in a bun or ponytail and all jewellery should be removed. Any student who is dressed unsuitably will be asked to sit out. Please do not wear any dance shoes outside of the studio, or any outdoor shoes inside the studio.
Students will not be permitted to leave the studio alone unless prior consent has been given. RHSD are only responsible for children inside the studio during their class time. Children should not be left before or after class in the changing rooms or waiting area unsupervised unless they are able to look after themselves fully.
Please ensure that your child goes to the toilet before class and do not send your child in with food or sweets unless permitted by the teacher.
Parents are not permitted to watch classes except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the class teacher. Such circumstances should be discussed with the class teacher prior to the class.
Participants are responsible for their own property and bring items at their own risk.
It is requested that parents/guardians respect the decisions of faculty members and request to speak to a senior member of staff should an issue arise. Student safety and well-being is always of upmost importance to RHSD.
It is essential for the efficient and safe teaching for a degree of physical contact to take place. This is to help prevent injury caused by faulty technique and poor posture. This will be done in a professional manner and the intention of contact will be made clear. Should you have a problem with this policy, please contact RHSD prior to class enrolment.
Section 3 – Attendance:
Participants or parents/guardians are responsible for regularly checking their emails, the notice board or Facebook in order to be fully aware of all upcoming events. However on the rare circumstance the classes need to be cancelled or changed, RHSD will do its best to contact parents through email, phone or Facebook.
If the participant can not make the class, you must email the school as soon as possible. This is important as it affects the lesson plans and for adult classes, can free up spaces for people to use as a make up.
Attendance at a similar dance or theatre school should be disclosed to the principal upon registration to ensure there will be no conflict in teaching. Although we believe additional classes and learning from different teachers can be beneficial to a child’s learning, attendance to a particular class may be denied if the principal believes this could cause difficulties.
Students should attend all classes where possible and should be prepared to start at the correct time. Any student who is late may be asked to sit out for their own safety if they have missed the warm up. However RHSD will ensure learning is still taking place.
If a participant isn't able to join but well enough to attend, we encourage them to watch the class as teachers will still include them in class to ensure learning is still happening in a fun environment.
Transfer to a different class is subject to availability and must be organised in advanced.
Should any student wish to discontinue any class or leave the school, Rachel must be informed in advance. Unless you have stated you wont be returning, we do not give your space to anyone else and will still be charged for the classes, as we value all of our regular customers.
Section 4 – Exams and Performance
In some dance classes students will work towards bbodance, examinations. Students will only be entered once they have achieved the required standard and have shown the correct level of attendance/commitment.
Examinations may occur during school/work time and students may be required to get leave from school/work. RHSD will endeavour to keep this type of activity to a minimum. Students participating in exams will be required to attend extra classes during the few weeks before.
All classes and rehearsals must be attended in the run up to performances or exams in order for participation to be permitted. Should attendance become below the acceptable standard on such occasions, RHSD reserve the right to withdraw a student from the event at any time.